LACAAEA Turns 50!

This year marks the 50th anniversary of LACAAEA. As we reflect on our half century anniversary, it is clear that LACAAEA has built upon its historic beginnings to meet the needs of LA County employees and the AAPI community as we were intended. We will carry on the torch with emphasis to educate, support and advocate. It will be an exciting year of events that celebrate our progress and honors our past. We will continue to work with leaders in and outside of LA County as well as those in the AAPI non-profit organizations.  Some of our plans are to host more networking opportunities geared towards specific professions, organize a first-ever countywide leadership conference honoring our AAPI county leaders, and we will end in our celebration of our journey, etc.  Please be on the look out for upcoming events and programs by subscribing to our email notifications, connecting with us on Facebook or LinkedIn to receive events announcements, and checking out our YouTube channel.

Happy 50th anniversary, LACAAEA!

It’s all hands on deck this year! We’re looking for help in event organizers, communicators, and volunteers We all have something to contribute. It’s a great way to showcase your talents and abilities while networking with others! Interested? Drop us an email at [email protected].

Thank you for your continued support of LACAAEA!


Supporting Local AAPI Business: Rose City Pizza


Much to Be Thankful For